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A close friend of ours adventurer photographer and ultra-marathon runner told us how he would often see runners fuelling up with absolute junk, jelly sweets and gels that were full of additives and refined sugars. However, when he interviewed one of the most successful runners of all time, Mohamad Ahansal, he revealed that he simply crushed dates and almonds into a small ball and popped them into his backpack or pocket and off he went. ‘Keep it simple and keep it natural guys’ were his words. And so the base of our energy balls was born, following this amazingly simple yet winning combination. At FitBites we make all our products ourselves in West Sussex which means that we never have to compromise on the quality of our ingredients and produce to the highest possible standards. This allows us to be flexible and creative. The Re-Balance bars that we make for Selfridges are a great example of this.

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A close friend of ours adventurer photographer and ultra-marathon runner told us how he would often see runners fuelling up with absolute junk, jelly sweets and gels that were full of additives and refined sugars. However, when he interviewed one of the most successful runners of all time, Mohamad Ahansal, he revealed that he simply crushed dates and almonds into a small ball and popped them into his backpack or pocket and off he went. ‘Keep it simple and keep it natural guys’ were his words. And so the base of our energy balls was born, following this amazingly simple yet winning combination. At FitBites we make all our products ourselves in West Sussex which means that we never have to compromise on the quality of our ingredients and produce to the highest possible standards. This allows us to be flexible and creative. The Re-Balance bars that we make for Selfridges are a great example of this.

| Energy balls | nuts | Super foods | Gluten free | Fitness

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